ახალგაზრდა ინჟინერთა კლუბი "TESLA"
+995 593 79 72 29
Main courses
Our team of methodologists is constantly developing new courses and improving existing ones to ensure that every young engineer receives the most relevant material, taking into account the characteristics of his age.
Children taking the Robotics JUNIOR course study electronics, mechanics and programming. It’s too early for them to solder, drill and operate a 3D printer - they will do this in the next courses, when they are a little older. But already at their age, one can and should begin to develop in each of the three components of robotics. They will be helped with this by:
  • in terms of electronics - the construction set "Znatok".
  • in terms of mechanics - a metal construction set.
  • in terms of programming - a set of classes using Scratch.
After this, the guys will begin programming the Micro:bit board and on its basis they will make their first OTTO robot.
  • The course lasts 13 months.
Children at this age already can solder, drill and operate a 3D printer, program in visual and high-level programming languages, and understand electronics.
The course "Robotics MIDDLE" is designed for 18 months. At every lesson, the young engineer always gets a result: a small victory that gives him an incentive to move on.
They will be helped with this by:
  • in terms of electronics - the construction set "Tesla.Kvant 2.0".
  • in terms of mechanics - the construction set "Tesla.Bit".
  • in terms of programming - the construction set "Tesla.Byte".
At this age, young engineers studying “Robotics SENIOR” are already experienced enough to begin learning programming in the Wiring environment (C++-like language) simultaneously with circuit design from the 4th lesson. As part of this course, children will solder, drill and operate a 3D printer, program in a high-level programming language, and understand electronics.
The course lasts 10 months. At each lesson, the young engineer will definitely achieve the desired result.
They will be helped with this by:
  • in terms of electronics and programming - the construction set "Tesla.Kilobit".
  • in terms of mechanics - the construction set "Tesla.Megabyte".
At our unusual workshops, young engineers will gain real experience working with tools and assemble their own personal functional device.
Before starting assembly, the guys will learn safety precautions when working with a soldering iron.
Workshops are designed for at least 1 lesson, lasting 120 minutes.