ახალგაზრდა ინჟინერთა კლუბი "TESLA"
+995 593 79 72 29
Our workshops
  • Christmas tree
    This workshop is intended for guys who already know a little soldering (have attended our workshop or attend the Club of Young Engineers "Tesla") and would like to improve their soldering skills. As a result of the work, the young engineer will take home a beautiful toy: a Christmas tree shimmering with all the colors. This master class is designed for 2 lessons.
  • Toy "Santa Claus"
    The children will learn basic soldering skills and assemble a New Year's souvenir "Santa Claus" that not only lights up, but also plays music.
  • Workshop "Rocket"
    During the classes, each young engineer will build his own working model of a rocket with a solid fuel jet engine and launch it in open space. All parts of the hull and rescue system will be manufactured independently.
  • Funny dachshund
    While assembling this cute device, young engineers will learn how to use a soldering iron, install components on circuit boards, and secure them correctly. The result is an unusual souvenir that will perfectly lift your spirits. We also suggest you look short video about this workshop.
  • Crypto postcard
    Do you want to make an unusual card that can only be read if you know the secret? Want to impress everyone with your soldering skills? Then we are waiting for you in our Club! We also suggest you look short video about this workshop..
  • CyberLight
    The CyberLight kit will help you solder your first gadget and at the same time improve your soldering tip skills.
    Once you've mastered the 32 solder points, the CyberLight turns into an RGB flashlight: turn the three potentiometer wheels to adjust the color components and produce different shades of light.
  • Airplane
    This workshop is intended for children aged 5-8 years. In 120 minutes, the children will not only assemble a model of an airplane but will learn why a plane does not fall when it flies, how to fly an airplane, and a lot of other interesting information related to aviation.
Cost of the workshop
from 60 ₾./lesson
Duration - 120 minutes
For children 9 years and older
  • Studying safety rules.
  • Assembling and soldering an electronic device.
  • Tea break.
  • The young engineer will take the assembled device with him.
  • Mini groups: no more than 4 people.