ახალგაზრდა ინჟინერთა კლუბი "TESLA"
+995 593 79 72 29
Program of Course
"Robotics Senior"
This course is intended for children aged 11 years and older.
There are three big parts to robotics:
  • electronics
  • mechanics
  • programming
The guys will solder, drill and operate a 3D printer, program in a high-level programming language, and understand electronics.
The course lasts 12 months. At every lesson, the young engineer always gets a result: a small victory that gives him an incentive to move on.
During the course you will need to purchase the following kits:
  • "Tesla.Kilobit"
  • "Tesla Megabyte"
These construction sets can be purchased at Clubs only as part of the course. These sets are not sold separately from the course.
What will young engineers study?